The Art of Cybersecurity Defense Workshop at IBA Karachi: Industry Experts Share Insights

The Art of Cybersecurity Defense Workshop at IBA Karachi: Industry Experts Share Insights

On Saturday October 26, 2024, the School of Mathematics & Computer Science at IBA Karachi hosted a full-day workshop titled “The Art of Cybersecurity Defense: Protecting Your Digital Assets”, drawing in a wide range of participants, from industry professionals to students. The event featured insights from leading experts, including Mr. Muzzamil Hussain, AVP of Digital Information Assurance at NBP, and Mr. Saif-ur-Rehman, Senior Consultant at Ecovis, Saudi Arabia.

Mr. Muzzamil kicked off the workshop with a comprehensive session on key aspects of information security, delving into the structure of cybersecurity departments, the analysis of Indicators of Compromise (IOCs), and the operational dynamics of Security Operations Centers (SOCs). His discussion laid the groundwork for participants to understand how modern cybersecurity teams function to mitigate threats.

Joining virtually from Saudi Arabia, Mr. Saif-ur-Rehman expanded on the topic of SOCs, discussing their architecture, tools, performance metrics, and the role of Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems. He provided a hands-on SIEM lab, giving participants practical exposure to the technical components of cybersecurity defense.

Image credit: IBA SMCS

The workshop concluded with a session on database security by Mr. Mustafa Kashif, Cybersecurity Solutions Engineer at Trilium Information Security Systems. He highlighted common vulnerabilities in both relational and non-relational databases, including risks of data exfiltration and denial-of-service (DOS) attacks.

The interactive event saw attendance from IBA alumni, students, and cybersecurity professionals, all eager to deepen their understanding of evolving threats and defense mechanisms in the digital space. The School of Mathematics & Computer Science expressed gratitude to the speakers for their contributions to making the workshop a resounding success.

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